relaxation & environment
Je vous propose deux pratiques vous permettant de lâcher prise et de vous ressourcer:
la relaxation méditative par le toucher (Reiki)
et le massage réflexologie plantaire thaïe.
Pour en savoir plus, cliquez sur l'image correspondante.
Thai Plantar Reflexology Massage
Our feet are the forgotten parts of our body!
Beyond taking time for yourself, this massage has many benefits:
- overall relaxation and calming,
- it stimulates and drains blood, lymphatic and energy circulation.
- it stimulates the major organic functions (such as digestion, the immune system, etc.).
- it relaxes articulations
I interfere
in my office
in Sierentz
55 €
for 1 hour massage
I also intervene
in companies and communities
in the Haut-Rhin or in Basel
terms to be defined together
07 68 42 96 32