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Je vous propose deux pratiques vous permettant de lâcher prise et de vous ressourcer:

la relaxation méditative par le toucher (Reiki)

et le massage réflexologie plantaire thaïe.


Pour en savoir plus, cliquez sur l'image correspondante.

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 Traditional Reiki

deep relaxation combined with meditative touch to release tensions and blockages in the body and mind.

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Thai Plantar Reflexology Massage

Our feet are the forgotten parts of our body!

Beyond taking time for yourself, this massage has many benefits:

- overall relaxation and calming,

- it stimulates and drains blood, lymphatic and energy circulation.

- it stimulates the major organic functions (such as digestion, the immune system, etc.).

- it relaxes articulations

Ciel dégradé

I interfere

in my office

in Sierentz


55 €

for 1 hour massage

I also intervene

in companies and communities

in the Haut-Rhin or in Basel

terms to be defined together

07 68 42 96 32

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